Lab 8: Exception Messages

One benefit of server-side rendering is leveraging server exceptions to display useful information to the user.

In this lab, we will catch Exceptions using a Spring @ControllerAdvice and show them to the user in a toast message.


We start by creating an InfoException base class in the de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.exception package:
package de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.exception;

public class InfoException extends RuntimeException{

  public InfoException(String message) {

Then we create a UserNotFoundException that extends the InfoException in the de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.user package:

package de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.user;

import de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.exception.InfoException;

public class UserNotFoundException extends InfoException {

  public UserNotFoundException(String message) {


Now we will adjust the UserService.searchUser method to throw the UserNotFoundException when no users are found.
public List<EasyUser> searchUser(String searchString) {
  List<EasyUser> easyUsers =
      it -> it.uuid.toString().contains(searchString)
            || it.username.contains(searchString)
            || it.password.contains(
  if (easyUsers.isEmpty()) {
    throw new UserNotFoundException("No user found with the searchString: \"" + searchString + "\"");
  return easyUsers;


Now we need to create a container element for the message in the LayoutComponent.

We first define a constant TOAST_CONTAINER_ID:
public static final String TOAST_CONTAINER_ID = "toastContainer";

We first import the TOAST_CONTAINER_ID in the LayoutComponent.jte

@import static de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.layout.LayoutComponent.TOAST_CONTAINER_ID

Then we add a <div> element that has the ID set to TOAST_CONTAINER_ID after the <body> element.

<div id="${TOAST_CONTAINER_ID}">



Now we create a MessageComponent ViewComponent in the de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.message package.

We also define an MessageType enum that has a severity method.
package de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.message;

import de.tschuehly.spring.viewcomponent.core.component.ViewComponent;
import de.tschuehly.spring.viewcomponent.jte.ViewContext;

public class MessageComponent {

  public ViewContext renderInfoToast(String message) {
    return new MessageContext(message,  MessageType.INFO);

  public record MessageContext(String message, MessageType type) implements
      ViewContext {}

  public enum MessageType {

    public String severity() {
      return switch (this) {
        case TOAST_ERROR -> "error";
        case INFO -> "info";
        default -> "";

Now we will create the corresponding MessageComponent.jte

@import de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.message.MessageComponent.MessageContext
@import java.util.Date
@param MessageContext messageContext

!{var id = String.valueOf(new Date().getTime());}
<div role="alert" id="${id}" <%-- (1) --%>
     style="position: fixed; margin: 2rem; top: 0; left: 0; border-radius: 1rem; background-color: antiquewhite; padding: 1rem;">
    <button onclick="document.getElementById('${id}').style.display = 'none'"> <%-- (2) --%>
        <i class="">X</i>
        ${messageContext.message()}</h2>  <%-- (3) --%>

(1): In the template, we create an <div> element where we set the id to a timestamp, we define as a local variable with the !{var} syntax

(2): We use the <button onclick> attribute to hide the toast when the user clicks on the X

(3): We create a <h2> element in it that shows the severity and the message of the exception.


Now we will create an class in the de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.advice package:
package de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.advice;

import de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.htmx.HtmxUtil;
import de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.exception.InfoException;
import de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.layout.LayoutComponent;
import de.tschuehly.easy.spring.auth.web.message.MessageComponent;
import de.tschuehly.spring.viewcomponent.jte.ViewContext;
import io.github.wimdeblauwe.htmx.spring.boot.mvc.HxSwapType;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ControllerAdvice;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;

@ControllerAdvice // (1)
public class ExceptionAdvice {

  private final MessageComponent messageComponent;

  public ExceptionAdvice(MessageComponent messageComponent) { // (2)
    this.messageComponent = messageComponent;

  @ExceptionHandler(InfoException.class) // (3)
  public ViewContext handle(InfoException e) {
    HtmxUtil.retarget(HtmxUtil.idSelector(LayoutComponent.TOAST_CONTAINER_ID)); // (4)
    HtmxUtil.swap(HxSwapType.INNER_HTML); // (5)
    return messageComponent.renderInfoToast(e.getMessage()); // (6)

(1): We annotate the class with the@ControllerAdvice annotation.

(2): We autowire the MessageComponent

(3): We define an @ExceptionHandler method that handles the InfoException.class

(4): We retarget the response to the <div> we created earlier with the TOAST_CONTAINER_ID

(5): We set the Swap method to INNER_HTML


Restart the application and navigate to http://localhost:8080.

Now search for a string not present in the data, and then you will see the toast message with the exception message.

Lab-8 Checkpoint 1

If you are stuck you can resume at this checkpoint with:

git checkout tags/lab-8-checkpoint-1 -b lab-8-c1

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