Building server-side web applications with htmx


Please install the following:

Please clone the Git repository:

git clone

After opening the project, run the Setup and build all run configuration.

IntelliJ Code Template

To create a new ViewComponent with one click we can create a new IntelliJ Code Template.

Go to settings -> Editor -> File and Code Templates

Click on the little plus icon

Name: ViewComponent


package ${PACKAGE_NAME};

import de.tschuehly.spring.viewcomponent.core.component.ViewComponent;
import de.tschuehly.spring.viewcomponent.jte.ViewContext;

public class ${COMPONENT_NAME}Component {
  public record ${COMPONENT_NAME}Context() implements ViewContext{}

  public ViewContext render(){
    return new ${COMPONENT_NAME}Context();

Select the ViewComponent and then click on the file plus icon next to the first one "Create Child Template"

File Name: ${COMPONENT_NAME}Component.jte

Extension: jte

@param ${COMPONENT_NAME}Context ${COMPONENT_NAME.substring(0,1).toLowerCase()}${COMPONENT_NAME.substring(1)}Context


In each lab there are checkpoints:

You can find a branch for each lab with multiple checkpoint commits you can start over with or compare against if you are stuck:

Only the relevant imports that need to be added are shown. Imports that have already been defined before are omitted.


Lab 1: Server-side rendering with Spring Boot and JTE

This lab aims to build a simple user management application with base Spring Boot, JTE and htmx.

Lab 2: Introducing Spring ViewComponent

In this lab, we refactor the application to use Spring ViewComponent and htmx-spring-boot to delegate rendering responsibility to the ViewComponents and remove it from the Controller.

Lab 3: Inline Editing.

In this lab, we will create a group Management Page where we can add a user to a group and a navigation bar

Lab 4: Using Spring Beans to Compose the UI

In this short lab, we will use the dependency injection capabilities of Spring to show a navigation bar where we can add new items by just creating new Components

Lab 5: Lazy Loading

In this lab, we will lazily load the user table as it now contains a lot of users

In this lab, we will enable our users to search the user table.

Lab 7: Infinite Scrolling using Pageable

In this lab, we will only load new users when we are scrolling down, improving our initial page speed

Lab 8: Exception Messages

In this lab, we will catch Exception using a Spring Controller Advice and show them to the user in a nice form

Lab 9: Server-Sent Events

In this lab, we will leverage the SSE capabilities of htmx to update our table live if a new user is created.

Last updated